Welcome to the Hetalia Roleplay Forums!
In case you may be confused about what to do, just read the guidelines and rules and we would have zero problems.
1. You MUST register as a country, state, city, or organization, micronation, etc. (OC or canon)
2. There would absolutely, under any circumstance, would be bashing or a character, pairing, or member.
3. Please upload the flag of the country you are roleplaying. (if you have zero mental capacities to see which flag to upload, look at my avatar.)
4. Place the appropriate topics in their appropriate places!
5. There would be no spamming of any kind. It gets annoying and repetitive.
6. You WILL use correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, etc. If you do not know how to use a word, look it up, or better yet. DO NOT USE IT!
7. When you use a country use their language also. (ex: Spain ---> English/Spanish) Google Translate IS acceptable.
8. If you are using canon, please stick to their personalities. Unless you are in Crossover or in a topic that they need to act out of character.
9. Any wrong do-ers would face repercussions for their actions.
1. If you sign-up [#1] as anything other than what is listed, you will get your log-in deleted. No questions asked.
2. If you get caught bashing or get reported [#2] you will get your account suspended for 3+ days. Repeat offenses will get your account and IP banned.
3. Spammers [#4] would be suspended/banned.
4. Topics placed at the inappropriate places would be moved by me or a mod. Repeat offenses would cause your account to be suspended.
5. Incorrect context of a word, grammer, text lingo, punctuation would be addressed and you will get a warning.